
Friday, January 25, 2013

Directional microphones, how they can help you

Law enforcement agents and private detectives know very well that, strange as it may seem, the place where a suspect (be it a pusher, a gangster or just an unfaithful wife or husband) feels safe, like his home or office, is often the place where his privacy is more at risk of being exposed, and his conversations are most likely to be eavesdropped.

Often though, the subject is well aware of the risk he is running in his very own home, and takes his protection measures, making any covert operation to plant bugs an extremely risky job. On the contrary, when in open spaces, such as a park for example, he might be more relaxed, and talk about private information which would be vital for an investigation.

It is exactly in situations like these that a parabolic microphone, otherwise called directional microphone, can provide the best results in terms of security and effectiveness. The actual name of this kind of long distance microphones is supercardioid microphone, but they are also called shotgun microphone, because of their shape resembling that of a gun, including the barrel.

Thanks to their extreme sensitivity and the possibility of being operated both by cable and by AAA battery, these directional microphones are suitable for being used both indoors and outdoors. For example, to listen to the conversations of a secret couple hidden in a park, it will be enough to sit inside a car parked behind a fence, then point the shotgun microphone in the right direction, and you will be able to pick up the conversations with extreme clarity.

A directional microphone can also be connected to a digital recorder, to store the information which can later be used before a court of law. In the same fashion, to gather evidence against a local pusher, one can hide inside a nearby apartment, and conceal the parabolic microphone among clothes hanging on a line, in order to be able to gather evidence without raising suspicions.

This kind of microphones is suitable not only for law enforcement and detectives gathering evidence, but also for professional use in the show business, for example while shooting a movie or a TV transmission in open spaces, or indoors in a theatre. There are endless possibilities for usage of a directional microphone, your fantasy is the only limit! Of course, there are several models available on the market, each one with different characteristics of range and power.

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